Monday, June 8, 2009

More MSU science: Check out hyenas, pandas and biobased technologies

The members of the IPM Central Asia Project are back in their offices, glad the 30-hour journey home is over and suitcases are intact. Additional pictures are posted in the photo section of our web site, It is our intent to continue this blog by reporting in the future on our global IPM efforts.

If you have enjoyed reading about MSU science and its international applications, you may also enjoy reading these blogs:
1) MSU students researching hyenas in Kenya.
2) Travel journal kept by MSU researchers working on panda bear habitat in China.
3) A partnering trip to Sweden by MSU’s Office of Biobased Technologies.

Special thank you to my project partners and colleagues for their willingness to share their experiences through this blog. You are good sports and great travelers through all the jet lag, challenging conditions and long days. Thank you.